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Tag Archives: Social network

Those of you that follow my Twitter feed (although CrazyKinux and Jon from the Van Hemlock Podcast are the only two that I’m aware of), will know that over the past couple days, I’ve been thinking about buying a 60 day time card so I can get back into EVE Online again.

You may be thinking that this is rather out of the blue as I kind of dropped off the EVE ‘grid’ for a few months. Well, while walking with my girlfriend back to her place yesterday, she mentioned something about EVE which set me off on a 10 minute long talk about what made me quit last time (apart from not having the money). After I was finished, I mentioned that I wanted to get Heather to try it out before I quit but unfortunately I didn’t get to. Rather surprisingly, she said that she wanted to give it a go if it’d make me happy. After saying something along the lines of “Hell yes!”, we got back to her place and she started looking on Steam. Completely by chance, she found the EVE Online trial on there and asked whether it was worth her downloading it.

Now, as of right now, I’ve just bought my time card from the BattleClinic Deep Space Supply but as it’s my first time buying a time card, they need to do some routine verification which can take up to 24 hours. 😦
Until then though, I do believe you guys need to update me on the goings on in EVE over the last couple months.

P.S. I swear they used to do 30, 60, 90 ad 180 day time cards apart from just the 60 day one?

Right, so I was thinking, since I can’t play EVE anymore (no extra money to spend on a subscription) I thought I’d go back to the original purpose of this blog at least until I can get back into EVE. Now onto the main subject of the post.

I received an invite to a website beta that I didn’t sign up to today. Thinking (perhaps foolishly) that I had been chosen specifically, I’ve gone ahead and created an account.

Fuggidy Main Page

Fuggidy Main Page

I should probably say now that as I didn’t sign up for a beta invite, I’m not entirely sure what Fuggidy is. But, after a bit of searching it seems that Fuggidy is a new competitor to brightkite and Fire Eagle.
On face value, it seems that it won’t be much of a competitor, but I’m going to be using it as often as I can over the next week or so and see if it really has a stake in the location based social networking scene.
After a quick look, it seems pretty average, nothing new. Although the addition of manual location adding seems interesting. If you can’t find your location in the pre-set location list (after entering zip code/post code), just enter a name and a location and Fuggidy will log your newly created location.

As a bit of fun, I’ve created a poll below. With this poll, you can tell me your opinion on what you want to read about in this blog. As I’m sure a lot of you will have multiple reasons for coming to this blog, you can have multiple answers. So, answer away!