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Category Archives: EVE Online

As you may already be able to tell, I haven’t been playing EVE as much as I originally intended to over the past couple weeks. Unfortunately that was mostly my fault as I, rather foolishly, decided to re-activate my EVE Online account during the last few weeks of the college term. And as a result of that I was way too busy finishing off college work to get into EVE even for a little while. What little time I did have, I spent playing Spore (which I bought only recently).
Luckily though, my Christmas holidays have now started so I’m going to be gifted with hours upon hours of free time.

During the one or two times I was actually able to get into EVE, I didn’t really get anything constructive done (on my part anyway). I got quite a bit done for Heather though, on the other hand.

After making my way to Duripant, where she ended up starting, I bought myself a few EP-S Gaussian I Excavation Pulse mining lasers and fitted them to my old Pirating Brutix as that was the only ship I took there.

Blasphemy, right?

Blasphemy, right?

Surprisingly, after about half an hour of mining we got just over 9000m3, so I decided to stop there as that was roughly the capacity of the Iteron Mk I I bought. I wish I’d known how good a Brutix can be at mining back when I’d started out, I would be a lot richer than I am at the moment. I’m sure that there’s countless weeks of Brutix mining I could have done while waiting for my Mining Barge skills to train. I could be quite a rich man, as opposed to my 5ish mil right now.

That little bit of mining got us a hefty (newbie-wise) 330,000ish ISK, which I split 50/50 with Heather to go towards buying her first frigate. I did try to convince her that I didn’t need the money but she insisted that I took at least half since I did most of the mining.
While I will admit I was enjoying the somewhat relaxing mining, I was itching for someone to try and steal our ore so I could lock the bastard and stop him in his tracks. Maybe do a bit of ransoming while I was at it. Ah well, maybe another time.

I’m going to try and see if Heather will write a blog post about her experience on her EVE trial but we’ll see. I’m interested in how she felt about EVE Online itself and her time spent learning how to play.
Time to see if I can figure out the Authors & Users section of the WordPress Dashboard.

Fly safe y’all.

Those of you that follow my Twitter feed (although CrazyKinux and Jon from the Van Hemlock Podcast are the only two that I’m aware of), will know that over the past couple days, I’ve been thinking about buying a 60 day time card so I can get back into EVE Online again.

You may be thinking that this is rather out of the blue as I kind of dropped off the EVE ‘grid’ for a few months. Well, while walking with my girlfriend back to her place yesterday, she mentioned something about EVE which set me off on a 10 minute long talk about what made me quit last time (apart from not having the money). After I was finished, I mentioned that I wanted to get Heather to try it out before I quit but unfortunately I didn’t get to. Rather surprisingly, she said that she wanted to give it a go if it’d make me happy. After saying something along the lines of “Hell yes!”, we got back to her place and she started looking on Steam. Completely by chance, she found the EVE Online trial on there and asked whether it was worth her downloading it.

Now, as of right now, I’ve just bought my time card from the BattleClinic Deep Space Supply but as it’s my first time buying a time card, they need to do some routine verification which can take up to 24 hours. 😦
Until then though, I do believe you guys need to update me on the goings on in EVE over the last couple months.

P.S. I swear they used to do 30, 60, 90 ad 180 day time cards apart from just the 60 day one?

Seems like there’s no “Pirate with mining and industrialist tendencies”. I wouldn’t quite call myself an industrialist with teeth but it’s close enough. 😉

Industrialist with teeth
Industrialist with teeth
Take The EvE Personality Test today!
Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Personality Test Generator.

You enjoy Eve’s economic model and you find that the greatest challenge of the game lies in mastering the market. System security status is a matter of profit/no profit for you, and you always factor in the possibility/probability of PvP in your estimates. To you, Eve isn’t a PvP or a PvE game. It’s a simulation of capitalizm in its purest form, and a place where the savvy wins the day.
Thanks to Wilhelm2451 for pointing this out.
On a side note, I haven’t been able to play EVE lately which explains my lack of posts but I’ll try and get some time in EVE soon so I have something to write about.
Fly safe, boys and girls.
Zemanta Pixie

Firstly, I want to apologise for not posting for almost two weeks. Those of you that follow me on Twitter will know that I’ve been extremely busy trying to get into a graphic design course at a college in my area (well, as much as a 40 minute bus ride away is my area). That, coupled with seeing my girlfriend every Wednesday and every weekend (not that I’m complaining, of course), means that I’ve had no time at all for EVE over the last week and a half. But now that I’ve been offered a place in the course, there’s no more rushing around so I’m nowhere near as busy anymore. And we all now what that means… more EVE play time!

So, onto my current EVE activities. After moving from Paye to Warouh (which was my new corporation’s HQ), we’ve moved yet again from Warouh to a new location that I’m not sure I’m able to disclose. I’ll have to check with my corp leaders as we were under instructions not to tell anyone where we moved to, I’m not even sure why. All I’m going to say is that going from an elegant, golden Amarr station, to a station that looks like brown box with tubes coming out of it is quite disappointing. Although, that said, it is a rather impressive box.

Apart from that nothing much has been going on. I haven’t yet had the chance to get the new EVE Online: Empyrean Age book, but I’m really tempted to get it. I should really finish World War Z first though, which by the way is a great book if you’re into zombies and the like. The problem with me and books is that I can only read one at a time, and I usually forget completely about the previous one.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted some EVE screenshots. I think I’m becoming (or have already become) a screenshot junkie. The first thing I thought when entering my new home system was, “My Myrmidon looks great in this system’s lighting!”


It’s getting late. So time for me to get into my nice, comfy bed.
Fly safe, boys and girls.

A couple weeks ago, CrazyKinux had the amazing idea of setting up an EVE blog pack. It’s a pretty simple affair really, the general idea is that a group of bloggers all help each other out by linking to other’s posts, commenting on them, digging them, etc.

Since my I haven’t been posting as much as I would have liked and I’m sure not many people check my blog roll on the sidebar, I thought I should post links to the members of the blog post here to both help out the blog pack and also give my readers (that’s you) a few other EVE blogs to read if you don’t already read them.

If you want to subscribe to the entire blog pack in one go, CrazyKinux was nice enough to create a way for you to do that. Just click the link below and suscribe away. 🙂

Fly safe lads and ladies.

Zemanta Pixie