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Category Archives: Twitter

Those of you that follow my Twitter feed (although CrazyKinux and Jon from the Van Hemlock Podcast are the only two that I’m aware of), will know that over the past couple days, I’ve been thinking about buying a 60 day time card so I can get back into EVE Online again.

You may be thinking that this is rather out of the blue as I kind of dropped off the EVE ‘grid’ for a few months. Well, while walking with my girlfriend back to her place yesterday, she mentioned something about EVE which set me off on a 10 minute long talk about what made me quit last time (apart from not having the money). After I was finished, I mentioned that I wanted to get Heather to try it out before I quit but unfortunately I didn’t get to. Rather surprisingly, she said that she wanted to give it a go if it’d make me happy. After saying something along the lines of “Hell yes!”, we got back to her place and she started looking on Steam. Completely by chance, she found the EVE Online trial on there and asked whether it was worth her downloading it.

Now, as of right now, I’ve just bought my time card from the BattleClinic Deep Space Supply but as it’s my first time buying a time card, they need to do some routine verification which can take up to 24 hours. 😦
Until then though, I do believe you guys need to update me on the goings on in EVE over the last couple months.

P.S. I swear they used to do 30, 60, 90 ad 180 day time cards apart from just the 60 day one?

Firstly, I want to apologise for not posting for almost two weeks. Those of you that follow me on Twitter will know that I’ve been extremely busy trying to get into a graphic design course at a college in my area (well, as much as a 40 minute bus ride away is my area). That, coupled with seeing my girlfriend every Wednesday and every weekend (not that I’m complaining, of course), means that I’ve had no time at all for EVE over the last week and a half. But now that I’ve been offered a place in the course, there’s no more rushing around so I’m nowhere near as busy anymore. And we all now what that means… more EVE play time!

So, onto my current EVE activities. After moving from Paye to Warouh (which was my new corporation’s HQ), we’ve moved yet again from Warouh to a new location that I’m not sure I’m able to disclose. I’ll have to check with my corp leaders as we were under instructions not to tell anyone where we moved to, I’m not even sure why. All I’m going to say is that going from an elegant, golden Amarr station, to a station that looks like brown box with tubes coming out of it is quite disappointing. Although, that said, it is a rather impressive box.

Apart from that nothing much has been going on. I haven’t yet had the chance to get the new EVE Online: Empyrean Age book, but I’m really tempted to get it. I should really finish World War Z first though, which by the way is a great book if you’re into zombies and the like. The problem with me and books is that I can only read one at a time, and I usually forget completely about the previous one.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted some EVE screenshots. I think I’m becoming (or have already become) a screenshot junkie. The first thing I thought when entering my new home system was, “My Myrmidon looks great in this system’s lighting!”


It’s getting late. So time for me to get into my nice, comfy bed.
Fly safe, boys and girls.

Just a quick note to say that I won’t be able to get online much (if at all) over the next week or so as I’m moving house tomorrow and it’ll take just over a week to get internet access. I may be able to get online at an internet café or at a friends house but I’ll mostly likely only be checking emails and any social networking sites I’m a member of. It’ll be very unlikely I’ll be able to get on a computer with EVE installed and be able to play for long enough to get a decent blog post written up.

So, until I’m able to get back online, here are some great EVE Online related blogs to keep you entertained in my absence.

If you wish to keep updated on my whereabouts and general goings on over the next week or so, I’ll be trying my best to update my Twitter status whenever I can get online. You can find my Twitter updates on the sidebar on the right, or at the main Twitter site here.

Time to unplug and pack my computer. Bye for now.